As of March 2024, 48.91% is owned by Promoters and 51.09% by Public.
Among Promoters holding, Indian Promoters holds 10.59% and Foreign Promoters holds 38.32%.
Institutional holds 4.48% (Insurance Companies 0.13%) and Non-Institutional holds 14.42% as Public shareholders.
Top five Promoters holding highest number of shares of Vodafone Idea L company are Euro Pacific Securities Ltd (55932.78 lakhs shares / 11.16%), Grasim Industries Ltd (33175.66 lakhs shares / 6.62%), Oriana Investments Pte Ltd (29931.72 lakhs shares / 5.97%), Prime Metals Ltd (27564.85 lakhs shares / 5.50%) and Mobilvest (16759.94 lakhs shares / 3.34%).